On the transformation of gender stereotypes in Chinese linguistic culture (concept «woman»)

  • Molodykh V.I.

    V.I. Molodykh. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Russia. Vladivostok

  • Leontieva T.I.

    T.I. Leontyeva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Russia. Vladivostok


The issue of gender stereotypes in Chinese society within linguocultural research presents a contrast between traditional Confucian stereotypes and modern post-reform economic reorganizational  ones.  Within  the  context  of  world  globalization,  traditional  family  values  are gradually  losing  their  former  significance  and  the  boundaries  between  “femininity”  and “masculinity” are becoming indistinct. Gender expectations are changing, disproportion between the number of men and women is growing in favor of women, the quantity of divorces is increasing, and as a result, the amount of lonely people is enlarged. The authors hypothesise that gender stereotypes are caused by social and political, as well as sociocultural reasons. From a theoretical perspective, the research is connected with the need of multipleaspect study and comprehension of historically changing concept “Chinese woman”, with the description of its structure and representation in hieroglyphic, lexical-phraseological systems, and in an artistic discourse. The practical value of the work is in the novelty of the theme and in making contribution into a systemic description of gender-marked linguistic units that are
extremely important for studying general humanities and linguistic disciplines.
Keywords:  Western  influence,  linguoculture,  gender  stereotypes,  discursive  language
personality, femininity, masculinity